  • Özdemir Kaplama ve Kaynak Teknolojileri Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti.

  • Ptesi - Ctesi 09:00 - 18:00



The Turkish mining industry is growing in parallel with the country's strong economy. The fact that our country is one of the regions with the least mineral exploration in its geography attracts attention as a very promising region for companies engaged in mining activities.

The MethoDocs Engineering Team has the application area and knowledge that provides long-lasting solutions for many plant machinery equipment in mining industry.


Our main applications in mining facilities;


- Construction Machinery Buckets Anti-Abrasion Applications

- Construction Machinery Crack Repair Applications

- Wear-resistant Cyclone, Chute, Bunker, Pipe and Elbow Manufacturing

- Repair of Worn Machinery-Equipment Parts

- Screw Manufacturing

- Production of Flow and Conveying Troughs