  • Özdemir Kaplama ve Kaynak Teknolojileri Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti.

  • Ptesi - Ctesi 09:00 - 18:00

Iron and Steel

Iron and Steel

While the Iron & Steel industry has maintained its place at the top of our most important heavy industry sectors since the establishment of our country, Turkey always maintains its place in the top 10 in the world iron & steel production rankings. While the production capacity is increasing with new investments every year, the increase in the capacity with advanced technology facility investments, as well as the increase in quality steel production is valuable for our country.

The MethoDocs Engineering Team has the application area and knowledge that provides long-lasting solutions for many plant machinery equipment in the Iron & Steel industry, from raw material manipulation stages to product production in ore production facilities.


Our main applications in the Iron & Steel industry are;


- Blast Furnace Bells

- Sinter Crusher Stars and Bars

- Raw Material Manipulation Conveying Lines

- Blast Furnace Material Feeding Chutes

- Raw Material and Sinter Screens

- Skip Cars

- Valve, Chute, Bunker Manufacturing

- Continuous Casting Rolls

- Rolling Mill Rolls